Six rules for productivity from a polarising titan of business
In this report, we look at practical tips on performance from Elon Musk, one of the most controversial leaders of our age – and at the spectacular refurbishment of James Dyson’s Singapore HQ
Conflicting views: why the return to office is proving so hard
Despite sharing the same organisational goals, when it comes to making decisions on whether to stay at home or return to onsite work, employers are from Venus and employees are from Mars
Will communities of interest reinvent our communities of place?
Hierarchical corporate culture is the biggest barrier to hybrid working. Can shared interests and passions in the workplace trigger a new, bottom-up approach combining work and social activities?
Can a hybrid model blend workplace strategy with culture?
Studies show that employees are unhappy when they have ‘ghost days’ in virtually empty offices. A new research project is seeking to explore links between workplace strategy and culture to raise collaborative performance