Upcoming webinars: rethinking light for healthier cities
From enhancing wellbeing to reducing carbon, Signify’s upcoming webinars explore the impact of colour and darkness in urban design
Lighting a path to net-zero: new research shaping illumination innovation
From colour kinetics to lighting for wellbeing, leading lighting company Signify hosts a series of research-based webinars offering continuous learning for lighting experts
Illuminating a path to net-zero: setting a new standard for corporate responsibility
A new initiative by leading lighting company sets a new benchmark for reducing carbon emissions in buildings and leverages partnerships to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy
World leader in lighting joins Academy as Global Partner
How will lighting shape the future of work? Signify has joined WORKTECH Academy as a Global Partner to share its expertise, resources and ideas with our professional network
Melanopic lighting goes mainstream
What is melanopic lighting and how can it help us perform better, feel healthier and get better sleep? In this webinar, Signify explains how smart lighting can boost our mood
Learn from the lighting experts: podcast series shines a light
A podcast series from Signify tackles every topic in lighting from the history of lighting design to the intricacies of how your lights stay connected
Going round in circles: closing the loop on waste
What does it mean to follow the principles of the circular economy? In this webinar, experts from Signify lay bare the core themes that designers should keep in mind on circularity
3D printed lighting: join the sustainability revolution
Manufacturing processes generate a significant amount of carbon emissions, but with new 3D printing tools Signify has streamlined and boosted the sustainability of lighting production