What’s in store for 2024? Forecasts focus on transition

If 2023 was a year in which attempts to establish a new normal in the workplace were undermined by uncertainty, 2024 promises a keener focus on key themes, say forecasts for the year ahead

Experiment and ambiguity as generative AI shakes up HR

What will be the impact of generative AI on how people are recruited, managed and developed inside companies around the world? Professor Lynda Gratton has been asking the HR professionals

AI powered automatons look ready for the workplace

Research by MIT has improved the physical coordination of robots, prompting the question: how could this new breed of robots make a significant contribution to the workplace?

CXApp, the Workplace SuperApp joins Academy as Global Partner

How will mobile apps reshape the workplace in the era of hybrid working? CXApp has joined WORKTECH Academy as a Global Partner to share the latest technologies and ideas