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New US research on videoconferencing pinpoints poor experience

Virtual meetings can be tiring and distracting with a lack of spontaneous interaction. Researchers are trying to figure out ways to design a better user experience

Prosocial behaviour: design prompts that support citizenship

Work communities depend on people behaving in a civil way to each other. Research suggests that design can play a role in helping us get along – from use of plants, mirrors and scent to creating order

Why offering sabbatical leave can help to retain top managers

Burned out, bottle-necked or just plain bored? Taking a sabbatical could be a route to escape. A new study suggests that firms offering sabbatical leave fare better in recruiting and retaining talent

Why too many meetings could damage real connection at work

Company leaders are demanding more office time for employees but doing nothing to stop a damaging proliferation of pointless meetings. Will redefining ‘presence’ fix this culture problem?

Standing up for change: why an active workplace makes a difference

Research shows that supporting people to be more active in the workplace brings health and productivity benefits to the organisation. Is it time to activate the office?

All together now: how we experience different sensory inputs at work

Workplace designers should stop thinking about specific sensory inputs in isolation and start planning for a more interconnected approach, according to the latest scientific research in the field

Learn from the lighting experts: podcast series shines a light

A podcast series from Signify tackles every topic in lighting from the history of lighting design to the intricacies of how your lights stay connected

Co-design cities with young people in mind to improve mental health

Young people must be given a greater role in designing future cities so that their wellbeing and mental health can be prioritised, a new paper states