
Equality and diversity initiatives failing LGBT+ employees

New research suggests that companies are not working hard enough to make the workplace an accepting and supportive environment for LGBT+ staff

Unwork podcast: book authors discuss how to reimagine workplace

In the first of a new podcast series from the Unwork consulting group, co-authors Philip Ross and Jeremy Myerson talk about their new book which explores the concept of relearning work

Hybrid work strategy: what are companies doing now?

With hybrid work becoming the norm for many business sectors, we’ve compiled an index of company strategies – some are clinging to the old ways of working while others embrace change

Perceptions of privacy may depend on where you worked before

Our perception of privacy levels in the activity-based workplace may simply be rooted in which type of office we worked in previously, according to new Swedish case-study research

Hierarchy of workplace needs? There’s an app for everything

As employee needs expand in the hybrid working era, workplace apps are expanding their capabilities to cope. A new report from CXApp sets out the five tiers of employee experience

New research confirms that poor acoustics affect wellbeing

Facility managers know from experience that employees like to complain about noise. The latest scientific evidence based on research with the US federal government validates their complaints

Remote surveillance culture: necessary or invasion of privacy?

Managers have become more supportive of remote work, but is this a result of the emerging use of surveillance and monitoring tools available to them?

La oficina que no fue

  Psicólogos y neurocientíficos han descubierto que mirar hacia el futuro es una función central de nuestro cerebro. Sin esta capacidad que nos distingue del resto de los animales no hubieran sido posibles la cultura, el conocimiento, la tecnología y la organización del trabajo, entre otras cosas.