culture change

Health fears leading to economically inactive older workers

New UK research highlights the role of the pandemic and fears around mental and physical health as key factors in making employees aged 50 and over economically inactive

Will the end of summer speed up the return to office?

Our latest WORKTECH Wednesday Briefing looks at a mood swing by business leaders towards getting more people back to the office, Under Armour’s sporty new HQ and our upcoming Singapore conference

Six crimes of modern-day call handling

From slow response times to inconsistent service delivery, Moneypenny reveal the six common mistakes made in call handling to save companies missing out on new business

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail: why businesses must plan now for post-lockdown demand

As the pandemic continues to be a catalyst for change, organisations are under more pressure than ever to quickly respond to new demands, says outsourced communications provide Moneypenny

Day in the Life 2040: navigating the future of work

Imagine taking a crystal ball and describing what a typical day in the life might look like 20 years from now. Simon Elliot sets out some optimistic possibilities…

Getting ahead of the curve: three pillars for surviving Covid-19

The post-pandemic world of work is set to look very different, but the need to recruit and retain top talent remains the same. How can companies come out on top after the crisis?

water cooler

Workplace refresh: five reasons to bring back the water cooler

We all remember that ‘water cooler’ moment – now there are good reasons to revive the hydration station in the office

Desks on the move: a suitable case of social contagion?

A new system in BVN’s design studio means workers can now roll their desks to a new location at will. What will this mean for social learning and changing behaviours?