
Going round in circles: closing the loop on waste

What does it mean to follow the principles of the circular economy? In this webinar, experts from Signify lay bare the core themes that designers should keep in mind on circularity

3D printed lighting: join the sustainability revolution

Manufacturing processes generate a significant amount of carbon emissions, but with new 3D printing tools Signify has streamlined and boosted the sustainability of lighting production

Google New York opens neighbourhood office above 1930s rail terminal

Smart, stylish and sustainable, Google’s newly opened New York office at St John’s Terminal on the High Line marks the tech giant’s latest foray into the world of adaptive reuse

From office block to housing block: is this the key to reinvigorate the city?

With offices still standing empty in downtown areas of the USA, developers are looking to new ideas and conversion projects to transform low footfall areas into vibrant city hubs once again

Digital directory of products aligned to WELL standard launched

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) has introduced a directory to assist users looking for products or solutions that fit with various features in the WELL Building Standard

How the 15-minute city can escape from the conspiracy theorists

Compact, walkable neighbourhoods can be great places to live and work – but research suggests the 15-minute city is not easy to define. Can this urban concept avoid being labelled as a threat to liberty?

Workspace design leader Adrianse becomes Global Partner

How will our places and spaces develop as the dynamics of work evolve at pace? Adrianse has become a Global Partner of WORKTECH Academy to share its wealth of ideas and insights 

On the rise: the ten factors for a productive workplace

This white paper by Area, a company in the Fourfront Group, addresses the continuing search for productivity, and creates an opportunity for organisations to reflect on how they can make changes towards a more productive workforce