flexible working

Day in the Life 2040: navigating the future of work

Imagine taking a crystal ball and describing what a typical day in the life might look like 20 years from now. Simon Elliot sets out some optimistic possibilities…

Getting ahead of the curve: three pillars for surviving Covid-19

The post-pandemic world of work is set to look very different, but the need to recruit and retain top talent remains the same. How can companies come out on top after the crisis?

A message to the WORKTECH network: keep the channels open

Faced with the unimagined challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, WORKTECH is stepping up its online Academy delivery of thought-leadership content at a time of great uncertainty and change

Six ways to cut ties with structured work

People want more flexibility at work, but how can we cut the ties to that bind us to traditional work structures in the office?

ABW Dress

Why the activity-based wardrobe is an extension of agile working

In the switch from suits to sneakers, a new wave of agile working is giving corporate employees freedom over their work apparel. Jeans and t-shirts are no longer reserved for quirky tech start-ups

Agile Working

El trabajo ágil no es una novedad. Grandes empresas ligadas a la tecnología tales como Facebook y Google lo vienen implementando desde hace varios años.

Espacios para los trabajadores del conocimiento

Espacios para los trabajadores del conocimiento

El uso genérico de la expresión 'trabajador del conocimiento' ha resultado el enfoque habitual a la hora de diseñar las oficinas para este grupo de colaboradores.

WORKTECH’18 Santiago reúne a expertos para discutir el futuro del trabajo

Más de 300 personas se dieron cita en el auditorio SOFOFA de Santiago de Chile para atender a las tendencias sobre el futuro del trabajo y todo lo que deben saber las empresas para mantenerse actualizadas en estos temas.