Hybrid Work

Playing up: how to fix a disconnect between RTO and collaboration

What’s the point of bringing people back to the office under the banner of collaboration if the organisational barriers to real collaborative work are left untouched?

RTO disconnect: how mandates are missing the mark

Does physical presence really equate to better collaboration and culture? Drawing on learnings from Taylorism, this article argues that RTO mandates risk overlooking the true drivers of workplace success

New US research on videoconferencing pinpoints poor experience

Virtual meetings can be tiring and distracting with a lack of spontaneous interaction. Researchers are trying to figure out ways to design a better user experience

Human-centric innovation leads Toronto’s future of work discussions

With rapid advancements in workplace technology and a shift toward employee-centred spaces, the latest WORKTECH Toronto conference laid out a vision for resilient and inclusive workplaces

New research shows Australia is the top talent destination of choice

The latest data from the world’s largest talent mobility study finds that Australia is the most desirable country to move to for work, while London tops the charts as most popular city

Resetting the standard: why the average workplace falls short for hybrid workers

New data from Leesman reveals that experience, not presence, should be the key focus for employees in the future hybrid workplace

What’s the difference between hybrid and flexible work?

As hybrid and flexible working rise in popularity,  what do these terms really mean and how do organisations decide which working practice is right for their business?